The Applications Of A Small Gantry Crane

Gantry cranes have countless applications. This is partially because these cranes can be found in many different sizes. The smallest gantry cranes also have a lot of uses. Read on to learn more about some of the more common applications of small gantry cranes.

Ship Loading

One of the most common uses of gantry cranes is to load ships. While larger gantry cranes are typically used for this purpose, smaller cranes can be used to load ships as well. It is more likely to see these types of cranes used when loading small cargo.

With the assistance of a gantry crane, it’s easy to load and unload cargo. A gantry crane allows shipments to easily be lifted from a ship and transported to a larger location. Gantry cranes play an essential role in the shipping industry.

Construction Sites

Small gantry cranes are a popular option in the construction industry because they are so portable. These cranes can easily be brought from one location to another and installed there. Once the crane is installed, it can be used to lift heavy equipment and transport it to a higher location.

Gantry cranes of all sizes can be seen at construction sites. However, smaller cranes are increasingly popular. You may even see multiple smaller cranes used at one job site, particularly when it comes to larger jobs such as the construction of a larger building.

single girder crane
single girder crane

Auto Shops

It’s very common to see auto shops using small gantry cranes. This is because auto shops frequently need to lift heavy items. As an example, a gantry crane might be used to safely remove an engine from a car. These gantry cranes are typically designed to be used indoors, and because of this, they’re some of the smallest gantry cranes available.

Most larger auto shops will use a gantry crane of some sort. Trying to lift these items manually can cause them to be damaged. With a gantry crane, these items can safely be removed and brought to a safe location. The next time you’re in an auto shop, you should see if you can spot a gantry crane.

semi gantry crane
semi gantry crane

Installing Pianos And Fine Art

Pianos can be difficult to install because of their size and shape. This is also true of fine art. Larger paintings and statues can both be very difficult to install. With the assistance of a gantry crane, however, these items can be installed with minimal issues.

These items can be very valuable, and they are also often very fragile. It’s important to make sure that the items aren’t damaged when they are being transported. While it is possible to transport these items manually, it’s far safer to transport them with a gantry crane.

As you can see, small gantry cranes have a wide range of applications. You can see machinery like this being used in many different industries. If you take the time to learn more about gantry cranes and how they are typically used, you’ll quickly see that they can be a very smart investment.